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Health Care

A health care worker is someone who works in a hospital or health center.

Care workers

The care worker's responsibilities involve physical care, support for the resident's emotional well-being, and following safeguarding procedures, including fire safety


care worker's responsibilities involve physical care, support for the resident's emotional well-being and following safeguarding procedures, including fire safety

Support worker

A support worker is someone who looks after the well-being of people in their daily lives.

Child care

The care of children, especially by a crèche, nursery, or childminder while parents are working.

Adult care

The care of children, especially by a crèche, nursery, or childminder while parents are working.


To provide customers with an enjoyable experience. Whether that enjoyment comes from eating a good meal, relaxing in a luxurious spa, or getting a good night's rest away from home


The application of business and technical expertise to enable organizations in the creation, management and optimization of or access to information and business processes.


The sale of goods or services from individuals or businesses to the end-user


The action of building something, typically a large structure.


Person or company that makes or sells jewels or jewelry.


Keeping animals and growing crops for food , farming.